Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas on a Sunday

The boys amid the wreakage of the living room at about 10am. They're trying to link together their light sabres to make a double light sabre.

My wreath this year - I added artistic greenery! We're quite impressed with ourselves.

The vexed question of what to do on a Christmas Day (when traditionally people here don't seem to attend church) that falls on a Sunday has been answered - one service, no childcare, and the church was full, but not overflowing. I had visions of being huddled down the front with the other five families who came, but no, thank goodness!
I have missed singing Christmas carols with church family on Christmas morning.

Our question was how to manage such a late church service at 11am. We ended up opening all the presents before church rather than making the kids wait, which worked perfectly for our family, because by lunch, we were largely done and (I) needed a sleep (crazy night with Missy Moo).

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