Tuesday 28 March 2017

Cherry Blossoms in DC

We made an effort and went and saw the cherry blossoms in DC anyway, and they were beautiful. Obviously not a huge mass bloom, but enough little pockets that we could get some blossoms. There were obviously some trees that were done, and other trees (like the grove we found) that had bloomed ok.
Kids thought the best thing about the afternoon was getting the ice cream. Sigh.

Monday 27 March 2017

Saturday 25 March 2017

Massive wasp nest (?)

Looked up on a walk and saw this. Too neat for the squirrels, and hanging off the branch. I think it must be wasps or something?

Friday 24 March 2017

Two feet!

This is a baby's butt, hope it isn't too much information. We (the royal we, meaning, she) has got hold of both feet, and occasionally, usually on the change table when there isn't so many layers on, can get a foot in her mouth. Happy days!

Cherry Blossoms

The cherry blossoms were roaring towards a record early bloom, and along came an icestorm, effectively, coating everything in a layer of ice. The day we were going to go admire the blooms, it was 32F maximum and windy (and bitterly cold). About 50% of what was out was destoryed. So the cherry blossoms in DC were smaller this year, to say the least. You have to feel for the people who made the trip of a lifetime to see them. However, a bit further east, our cherry blossoms were lagging, and have just started coming out, and they are not affected by frost, and are beautiful to see! The disadvantage is there isn't a mass bloom to admire like there usually is in Washington. Maybe next year!

Thursday 23 March 2017

More Hockey!

We joined the extra bonus spring session that was available Wednesday nights. Boys are ecstatic. This is a scrimmage towards the end.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

My fridge

Not many other people have a whole squadron of aeroplanes flying over their fridge?! (and a pink and purple tank by the five year old...)
This is not how to decorate your fridge if you want to sell your house, or unclutter your space. It does, however, give me a way to love and admire my children's art work then recycle, in front of them and with their cooperation.

Friday 17 March 2017

Snow fence

Went for a walk after a small attempt at snow, and found this! More heat in the sun now.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Buy your kids a loom

If you want to get beyond the latest 7yo craze (lego, pokemon, etc), you have to think outside the square, which is why it is good to have your kid in contact with extra people with the emotional energy to introduce new things. I had not thought of this craft activity. Nana in QLD did though, and followed up, and now I predict our lives will be filled with squares of woven things (once I manage to buy more thread for it).

Sleeping habits

This is Mr Orderly. Mr Chaos on the other side is stretched out with nary a wrinkle in his doona (in fact, we get woken up to make his doona straight again during the night if required). I can't complain, because I liked sleeping in a chrysalis of doona when I was younger. But we check each night to make sure he's left an air hole.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

NHL Hockey facts for a 6 month old

I love the relationship that Mr 5 and Missy Moo have. He 'reads' her NHL factoid books, and she looks interestedly on. Excellent tummy time.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

March storm

I think this was the first time we experienced an extended 'wintry mix' and it was miserable. Wet snow, then rain, then wet sploggy snow, everything partially melting, then icing up over night because with the wind it got down to 20F. The trees in particular showed the weight of the ice.
Everything encased in ice - not sure how the buds will fare after this.

Sunday 12 March 2017


So, the problem with having bought some clothing I like is having to think about what to put the child in. Maybe I think too much. It does seem a touch more complicated than pants and a top for the boys.

Friday 10 March 2017

Black squirrel

Black squirrels are not actually another type of squirrel. It is a sort of genetic twist - like an albino only the opposite (so, they're all black, not white).

Thursday 9 March 2017


Have you ever read books about crocuses dotting the lawns? I have! (although I can't remember specific examples...)
I saw these flowers randomly around in a lawn and into my head slipped crocus, and then I looked them up on the internet, and they are!!

Slow cooker Turkey and black bean chilli



Here is another chilli - our current recipe uses white beans (and cocoa), so was interested to see how this one turned out. Turkey when cooked like this in a slow cooker without prebrowning turns to mush - it doesn't cling together in interesting lumps, so we might adjust the recipe and cook in a pot next time. It was a thickish sort of soup texture.

Wednesday 8 March 2017


I must admit, in January, when it is cold, and you're always having to bundle up to go outside, and the sun just seems weak, I long for the daffodils. I've never particularly liked them as a flower, but as a sign of warmer times, they're very welcome. Waiting for the tulips now!

Plum blossums

Love the blossom season! I had forgotten about these, but we had a tree at one of our places when I was a child.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Collecting pine leaves

Today's working bee - going through the community with leaf blowers, rakes, wheel barrows and a big covered truck, collecting all the pine needles lying around. I counted 18 people here, not including whoever was in the truck. A hard days work.
As a follow up, the next day the truck came back, filled with bark chips, and all the garden beds and trees had their bark chips renewed. Must be the end of the winter according to the maintenance company.

Homework on the deck

Because it is about 70F (in March?!)

Monday 6 March 2017

Fire down the road

Got a really good view of a pretty big fire that was just down our road - and was sad that the boys weren't at home to see all the fire engines (I lost count at 7) or the fire fighters in full gear (newspaper said 55 responded). But was shameless enough to take photos.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Cool Painting

Turquoise blossoms. Done by Mr 7 for entry application to Art Trek camp over Summer. Using techniques taught in his art class at school.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Executive orders

There has been a lot of press centred around executive orders, so I thought there should be some sort of summary according to me explaining them.
I should note, abc news (that is, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, not the local abc) does some really good summary articles too.
(see http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-31/what-is-an-executive-order/8225770)

There are three branches of power - the courts, congress, and the 'executive branch' that is, the president.
Executive orders sort of bypass congress (which helps, because getting stuff through congress is sometimes sort of impossible, given the hem, politics), but they can be shown to be unconstitutional and overturned in the courts (we have a very good recent example).
They can't go against federal laws. But they can be as powerful as law. Slavery was abolished by executive order by Abraham Lincoln. And there has been a back and forth on several issues, where Republican presidents will do one thing by executive order, that Democrat presidents will then undo.
At the moment, President Trump appears to be trying to move through his list of campaign promises quickly by Executive Order. It is having mixed success, and there has been mixed reaction locally.
On one hand, he is doing what he said he would do, on the other hand, I think Congress is starting to feel left out, and to struggle with the detail required in the background of the executive orders. Repealing Obamacare would be one example, building a wall on the border with Mexico would be another.

Friday 3 March 2017

Jigsaw puzzles

We moved Mr 5 up to 100 piece puzzles this birthday, given that the 60 piece ones were getting done a bit quick. I got the pleasure of seeing the boys work together on this one.

Thursday 2 March 2017

First Flowers!

The little twittering tweeting birds are back from their southern holiday, the flowers are budding, the plum blossoms are out, early daffodils are flowering, the countdown is on to the cherry blossoms - must be nearly spring!

Post script - these got burnt by a frost about 24 hours later...

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Muddy Buddies (cereal and chocolate)

This is a recipe on the Rice Chex box. It is terrible when you have children who can read these things... but as a fun activity, hubby and the boys made these.