Saturday 24 June 2017

Saturday - heading home via Colonial National HIstorical Park

Colonial National Historical Park has three elements. There is a battlefield - the last major battle of the Revolutionary War where General Washington beseiged General Charles Lord Cornwallis' army (the British) and the British eventually surrendered. You can drive your car around and look at fields where things happened. But it was a hot day and we were headed home, so we didn't.

Yorktown is a sort of half National park, half small historic town where people live (Tourists, at bed and breakfasts is what I can work out). It has nice houses to look at, and a big monument to the American victory. We went for a walk and looked at Yorktown, which I enjoyed.

 (yes, Mr Five bought a semi-large American Flag with holiday money at the dollar store and then walked around the place waving it)

Jamestown is on the other side (East) of Williamsburg, and it is the site of another English settlement from 1607 (James Fort) with a recreated settlers village nearby that is good for school group excursions. We couldn't do it all! But I would love to come back and spend more time here.

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