Thursday 27 March 2014

Eating capsicum

You know you have some bad habits when you resent leading your children by example, especially in the area of snacking, and TV! Half an hour before lunch, everyone is feeling peckish, and I very unhappily started eating a bit of capsicum to illustrate how that was all there was before lunch. The baby was finishing apple left over from morning tea, but before you know it, everyone is eating capsicum! Even the older wingey one who really wanted chopped apple! And surprisingly enough, after eating about one capsicum, no-one is feeling hungry, and I think we'll all last until lunch (30 mins). My inclinations right now are to grab comfort food (at the moment that involves burnt ANZAC biscuits) and watch something on the million and one channels that are available. The kids would be pretty happy with that too. But what do I want them to do? Eat capsicum then go play...

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