Thursday 12 February 2015

Lincoln Memorial - at night!

Thanks to some very generous babysitting (overnight, with two boys anyone?!), we were able to attend the Winter Social for the office, in Washington. Now, we can cross a couple of things off our list:
  • Go out in sub zero temps wearing a silk dress, stockings and a small bolero cardigan (solution - wear large snow jacket over the top when outside, and keep moving)
  • Drive in Washington DC - down M Street, Georgetown, no less, while slightly lost, with only your phone to help
  • Watch the sunset over the Potomac (remembering  NCIS lines such as "grab your gear, got a dead marine in the Potomac" - it is so cool, there is actually a river Potomac, it runs through Washington!!)
  • And, on the way home, stop off and look at the Lincoln Memorial without all the people... (still in cold weather, so we didn't linger, but it was lovely)

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