Thursday 12 February 2015


I've been a bit absent, because we are getting ready to go back to Australia for two weeks... And just to make life more interesting, we sent the computer away for repairs - our lovely new computer started turning off suddenly. And now, I'm really irritated because for some reason, I can't upload photos (on hubby's work computer, which isn't running Chrome, which is what Google likes), and what good is it all without photos?!
As I type, it is about 48 hours before we leave, and we're not packed, which is ok for a domestic trip, but I'm feeling a touch underprepared for an international flight with two small children, one of whom has just had a nasty fever for two days, but...
I will continue to try to put up something, I have draft posts written, but I'm not sure it will happen before we get to Australia, and I'm not even sure it will happen there. I'll have to keep a 'ghost' blog off line, just to keep away the frustration.
I guess we'll all have a holiday together eh?!

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