Wednesday 3 February 2016

Emergency Room Visit

I think I passed one of the tests of parenthood, when Mr nearly 4 split his head open (get this) on a corner of the drywall in the basement. No concrete involved, I promise. I got that call at work from the babysitter "He's hurt his head and theres a fair bit of blood and I think it looks like it needs stitches..." - the one that curdles your blood for just a moment, and sends you out the door without shutting off your computer.
Had a bit of a panic, because I wasn't quite sure what to do, but we ended up at the Pediatric Emergency Room down the road, which was quiet, calm, and quick (2 hours in and out!). No photos really suitable for this forum, but imagine, if you will, me being ordered not to lie on the bed beside the patient (by the patient), then a Dr putting on glue, with the help of a nurse, and me holding a hand, and then, enter a third lady, whose job it was to hold an iPad at the correct angle for the patient to be able to watch his selected episode (in this case, Curious George)! Given that the patient was ultra obedient anyway, this was just icing on the cake.
Now, we have to keep his head dry for a week, then apparently it is all fine and dandy. He himself, apart from needing some pain relief, is probably less worried about the head than I am.

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