Sunday 14 August 2016

Home again!

We set off early to beat the traffic pinch point out of the Cape at Bourne Bridge, which is a very pretty bridge, but it was misty again this morning.
Adventures on the way included a lunch stop at Weir Farm National Park, one of our favourite National Parks, and the discovery that one of our tyres had a leak - not fast, but not slow either. So we stopped for an hour or so at the last Service Centre on the New Jersey Turnpike, and got the tyre patched by a very helpful mechanic.
Two comments:
Poison Ivy: We have still yet to work out what it looks like in the wild, but it keeps us out of the undergrowth more effectively than all the snakes in Australia... Apparently it is in this photo. I have only ever seen drawings on warning boards.

Overhead bridges: Frequently have American flags on them, but there were a couple on this road (Route 15? not sure. We drove through 6 states today...) that seemed to take the flag decoration one step further? I'm assuming it was in memory of someone.

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