Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fall Soccer

Fall soccer has started, and we are resigned to the fact that until the end of October, we are Doing Soccer... Mr 7 has 2 practises a week, plus a game on Saturdays, plus some sort of extra training on Saturdays. Mr 4.5 has 1 practise a week (on the same day as one of Mr 7s practises, but at a field five minutes away...) and a game on Saturday, usually at a different time to Mr 7s.
We are very careful about busyness as a family, but I can see that even if you only have one sport (ie, soccer), the number of children you have will also play into your busyness.
Mr 7 seems to be playing for the trophy at the end of the season, and snack after games (it is mostly sort of junk food, as far as our household is concerned). Another bonus is the number on the back of his shirt, and playing on a full field, with the opportunity to play defense (lurk at the back of the field).
Mr 4.5 is playing so he can be cool and have soccer practises like his brother.

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