Thursday 9 February 2017

Pink and blue

The USA seems very decided about what colours your baby should wear, possibly only slightly more than Australia. I am a bit frustrated that if I want my child to wear orange or green,  I need to shop on the boys side of the store... and that in the everyday (cheaper) baby clothes stores, the only versions of feminine available are pink or flowery (preferably both), with, it seems, as little serious design thought as possible.
Looking up the history of pink and blue - as recently as 1927, pink was for boys (more decided, strong colour), and blue was for girls (delicate and dainty). Somewhere that has gotten turned on its head, and because I put blue socks on my child, people assume it is a boy.
What I am sad about, is that if I want my child to wear blue, it has to have some sort of trim to make it a 'girls' outfit. And that dinosaurs are considered 'boys' outfit worthy, but not girls! There don't seem to be many options of just blue, or even blue with some sort of baby appropriate design. Some suits are not buyable because they have to declare that they're Mommy's Wingman, or a Space Hunk...and I don't want that sort of attitude on any baby of mine.
What I am glad about, is that I have two sides of the store to shop on right now. So yes, that is my [girl] child in dinosaurs and navy blue leggings.

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