Tuesday 7 February 2017

Valentines day cards

I managed to get organised 10 days early, probably out of a latent sense of panic from previous years.
We have two classes to make cards for this year, and because my creativity is fairly limited, I tried to just provide support, and let the boys decide what they wanted. I was interested in the ideas.

Mr 7 - a small postcard style on a black background, which was an intriguing choice. As little writing as possible. He has twigged that he doesn't have to write the classmates names on them, as you just deposit one in each bag on the day. It isn't like you're making individualised cards!

Mr 4.8 - 'proper cards' (with a fold over) with lots of ideas about what to write. I got glitter pens to decorate, so he is drawing each person a glittery decoration - a truck, a car, a person... He is enjoying cutting and pasting, so I encouraged that as much as possible. He is also looking forward to putting them in envelopes and licking the seal to shut the envelope.

Postscript, what he ended up writing on the inside of the cards was his name, in various fonts, big or small, depending on his mood at the time of writing. We managed not to need envelopes.

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