Sunday 5 April 2015

NYC take 2

Visited New York City again, this time late March. Lessons learned:
1. Late March is probably the earliest you want to visit NYC. Take your snow jackets, it is that cold, especially on the Brooklyn Bridge, or visiting the Statue of Liberty
2. Always book a ticket up the Rockefeller Centre Building - because although we strolled in and got tickets last time, I think we can safetly put that down to beginners luck. This time, we had to go home, and come again the next day, as the earliest tickets available at 5pm were for 9.40pm
3. Always take children to the toilet when passing one. Don't take their word that they don't need one.
5. Always have a park up your sleeve for when the kids get sick of things
6. Union Square farmers markets have the biggest brownie - we estimate about 3 x 4 inches, for $2.50. However, although the baby can eat a brownie this big, and enjoy it, he won't eat anything else for the rest of the day...
And the big one -
7. Hotel room that we got the first time - diplomat suite. Ask for that  next time, or you get a normal suite, which doesn't really have a separate bedroom, just more a partition. Which means we spent most evenings quietly reading in the dark on our side of the partition while the kids went to sleep on the other side.

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