Wednesday 8 April 2015

The American Man

It seems we spent enough at Nordstrum to be put on their menswear catalogue list, so I have been treated to a fascinating insight of the different 'tribe' looks that exist here (according to Nordstrum). In the catalogue, there is an actual blurb that says "Breath new life into your Ivy League looks....", (I honestly only thought that line appeared in romantic fiction) or another that talks about vintage vibes, or the one I like the best, picture of a guy wearing a maroon shirt with flowers on (basically, but a very expensive shirt, which of course makes it ok) saying "Dark earthy shades add an exciting new dimension to spring". I think they're trying not to mention the flowers. My other favourite page is a suggested "Pack for a Warm-weather getaway" to do you "a day on the beach and a night on the town", but - there is no underwear or toiletries included in the pack - he's going to remember his vintage camera and his pictures of the Colosseum, but not his boxers?!
The photos above seemed a good summary, as it is the same model, with jeans on, and they're just changing the look around the jeans. And you can sort of see how you can judge people - their likes, dislikes, their job, whether they're vegetarian, whether you'll get along with them, without even meeting them.
Left to right, top to bottom, this is what I think the looks are aiming for:
1.Uni student ? Slightly activist? (Berkinstocks, big bag for books) or Tourist, or grocery shopping with a very expensive green bag?
2. Can't place this one, it just seems a little off. Like, what guy would wear a tie on his day off? With a tie keeper? Maybe he is a bit psycho. Or, is going to the laundromat (ie, washing day clothes!),or a smart casual birthday party.
3. I think this is either Boaty or Ivy League? (ie, pots of money - either for a boat, or an expensive university education)
4. Going to a ball game - sporty spice.
5. No sense of fashion here either. jeans are too short (but I know from other pages that you do this to show off your shoes), top half is still in the office, bottom half looks a touch like it should be at a wine tasting for its 35th birthday.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this catalogue - almost more than the other one with the expensive pocket square.

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