Thursday 9 October 2014

Double Fudge Brownie Mix

We bought a cake mix from a bakery nearby that we have recently become acquainted with. They grind their own flour, and the mix contained basic ingredients that I would have in my cupboard. We added 4 eggs and 2 sticks of melted butter (8oz), and put in the oven. It was sort of a relief not to be trying to cook something that required lots of measurements, esp with my small executive chef looking on (and waving a packet of brown sugar hopefully).
The mixture was gritty with sugar...and 2 sticks of butter is a lot of butter... but oh boy, what lovely sweet moist brownies (sugar, cocoa AND choc chips).
I think I should do more investigating with brownie recipes, so I have full appreciation of the culture...

1 comment:

  1. Wait! don't do it! Once you know what goes in them, you'll never eat them! Sooo bad!


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