Thursday 16 October 2014

American Football (College Level) Navy vs VMI

Ahh, the lights of the stadium, the beat of the pump up music, the roar of the slightly cold crowd, who are finding their evening well spent because their team is winning. Add to that, the tailgating outside, (BBQ's run out of the back of your car in the carpark of the stadium before a game), and the weird antics of the Navy Midshipmen, who (as was explained to us eventually, had to do 7 pushups on the endzone for every touch down (cumulatively, ie, 7 for one, 14 for the second, etc)), and we had a really enjoyable evening.
Final score - 51 (Navy) to 14.
Key differences to the baseball:
Less crowd movement for food/toilet/random errands.
More seats were in a good location, because game wasn't played in one corner of the field
Alcohol only in certain areas (not in the stadium)
The mood of the crowd was less relaxed? We not only had the manliness of football, but the added manliness of navy football... Don't ask me, but the defence force seems to draw around itself that super duper manly man sort of atmosphere?
And I found the game moved more than other matches that I've watched - the team with the ball has to move 10 yards with the ball in four tackles, or they lose the ball.
Very enjoyable, pity that the season is so short!

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