Monday 22 September 2014

Amusing themselves

This is the end of an hours solid play on the back deck. I sent them outside with the soccer ball and the blow up watermelon (don't ask) and told them to amuse themselves, so I could cook tea (new recipe).
1 - play with ball/watermelon - rolling, throwing, much giggling and exclaiming. My flowers were got several times.
2 - run in circles - around the two balls. singing "run in a circle, run in a circle" over and over. Or pretending to play the trumpet. Then falling onto the deck and declaring that they were dead. Then starting over with the running.
3 - They took some matchbox cars out on the deck, so I rolled out the carpet mat to give them a bit of comfort.
4 - rolling the carpet to make little tunnels that they could crawl through.

I really feel like today, they started getting the true meaning of amusing themselves!

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