Tuesday 9 September 2014

Ikea dinnerware set review

We bought two of the Ikea Fargrik dinnerware sets - one in white, the other in turquoise, as you have probably noticed in previous posts. The white set is now starting to get lines on it - as shown in the photo above. Whenever cutlery scrapes on the bowl/plate, little grey lines appear. It is especially bad in bowls where little people scrape and scrape for that last skerrick of ice cream.
I have seen this before - hubby's work in Sydney got this set in their kitchen, and I assumed it was due to the high usage. But we have been using our set like a normal family of four, since April, when we moved, and it started marking about the end of July - ie, about three months.
Interestingly enough, the turquoise set is not marking - the glaze seems thicker, shinier and more durable?
My conclusion is, don't buy this set in white... It was only $19.95, but I would sort of expect a bit more durability.


  1. I think always thought it was related to the dishwasher, do you use a dishwasher?

  2. Yes, we do use a dishwasher (and are loving it!). The sydney office uses a dishwasher too. Might explain a bit.


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