Tuesday 18 November 2014


When we moved in, we noted the oven didn't have a griller section, and sadly bought this huge thing called a toaster oven. You can even cook a pizza in it, according to the box. We bought it so we could do cheese on toast. We also cook our toast in it, but it is touch and go over burning the toast, and I find the toast a bit dry. As well as it taking a huge space on our bench top.
Well, enter dinner with friends and I finally remember to ask what the broil setting on the oven does... Turns out it is how you would brown something on top, or (da da daaahhh) make cheese on toast. It puts heat up to 500F (I assume it is F) out the top of your oven.
Good to find out eventually. I actually had thought that maybe broiling was a setting to keep stuff warm in the oven but not cook it, like a warming drawer, so I'm really glad I didn't try that one with pancakes or waffles.

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