Saturday 1 November 2014


Hubby has discovered a beautiful thing - undershirts - sort of a cheap cotton Tshirt worn under a business shirt. They actually look a lot like the Tshirts that possibly the cool young things wore out in Sydney when I was last there.
Initially, he was a bit taken aback when the business shirt salesman asked if he had undershirts, but after ruminating on it for a couple of weeks, he decided that it might help with warmth in the office - the office being just cool enough in winter that something more than a business shirt is required, but a jumper is often too much. And then the bonus points started when he realised that wearing an undershirt meant he could get two wears out of his business shirts = less ironing. The joy of it.
I can't think of an appropriate photo to put with this one, so use your imaginations.


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