Saturday 8 November 2014

Milk Duds (and other sweet discoveries)

These are Milk Duds. They are like Fantales, only small enough that they don't stick your teeth together (about the size of a yoghurt covered sultana?). Hence, they're awesome.
Other discoveries -
I like Snickers - had never tried them before, the picture of what the bar was just didn't appeal.
Twix bars are amazing - hubby has stories of his 4U maths class and their Twix habits. I wish I'd known about Twix bars sooner. Less sweet than a Mars Bar.
I don't like tropical flavoured Starbursts
Whoppers - "The Original Malted Milk Balls" - well, I think Maltesers have improved on the recipe, given that the first three ingredients of Whoppers are: Sugar, Corn Syrup and Partially Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil...(Although I must admit, I don't know what the ingredients in Maltesers are. but in my memory they taste nicer and less grainy?)
Laffy Taffy: I am not game to try. The description is "Candy". 'Jokes on every wrapper' appears to be the selling point.
And, the final comment: Twizzlers - allegedly strawberry flavoured, I think meant to be some sort of liquorice strap sort of thing - actually very flavourless. Like eating edible leather. I think it is marketed as a low fat candy. Seriously...

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