Tuesday 6 January 2015

First proper snow for Annapolis

The forecast was 1-3 inches. I reckon we got the full three. Our school bus had an accident (before reaching our stop), so we had our own little personal 'snow day' with another family nearby, and went sledding down a handy slope. The thing with kids is, you don't need some special huge ski run, just a clear slope, that doesn't end in a freezing creek or 30 ft drop. Friends and some halloween chocolate bars is bonus.
the other thing about Mr 5, is that he enjoys sledding, but I truly think his heart is in shovelling. The little plastic shovels we got them for Christmas (thanks to an aunt and uncle) got a real workout, starting with a rather enthusiastic shovel from our place to the slope (if anyone had an issue about how we left the pristine sidewalk, they could just follow the digging back to our place...).

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