Tuesday 27 January 2015

Guess Where!

Where was this photo taken?
a) Dan Murphys
b) Supermarket
c) Chemist/Pharmacy.

This well appointed and reasonably priced bottle shop is up the back of our local chemist....Most chemists here seem to be sort of like a mini-supermarket, with vitamins, DVD's, health and beauty, some food, passport photos, and alcohol. The ones we went to in New York were practically open 24/7, sold milk, fresh fruit and veggies, and had a deli section.
Another chemist chain store recently announced they had decided to stop selling CIGARETTES (I think this local one still sells them)! Up the back, there is a counter, and a little bit of space for filling scripts, where the chemist works (think, about 2 containers worth of space).
Due to the vagaries of the health system, you could call around to different places, and possibly get your tablets cheap at one specific pharmacy (rather than the price being set by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme). You nominate your chemist, and the Dr sends the scripts straight there. We have nominated the chemist closest to the children's Dr, which has turned out very convenient for them. I'm tempted to ring around for my script needs, as I am paying about $6-7 per day for one script.
I think this diversification of products sold might be an extension of taking advantage of laws allowing chemists to be open later than supermarkets? or something. Not really sure, but the cigarettes and alcohol have me scratching my head.

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