Monday 16 March 2015


I have had this picked as a possible topic for months... and eventually convinced myself that I was seeing things. But having been back to Australia, I don't think I am... Hairstyles are more 'done' here. I think there is more emphasis on not stepping out the door without doing ones hair. And doing ones hair doesn't just  include blow drying it but adding in those miscellaneous curls around the place. Or putting some sort of wave in it.
There seems to be a lot more long hair, worn out with curls cascading down the back - even after having children (that pull hair when little, and eat up self-preparation time). And very few people with naturally curly hair/bad hair days!! I used to sort of walk out the door without really thinking about it, but I am back to pulling back or braiding my hair 'up', mainly because I can't blow dry my hair (that would require buying a hair dryer), and I can't trust my hair to maintain niceness while down, and because pulling it into a sort of messy bun seems a bit lazy. Just a plain, sleek pony tail is a lot more common in Australia.
I might add, makeup is less of the natural variety (ie, you've done your eyes but left off the foundation, and just gone for a natural lip colour), or the  non existent variety, and more of the full face done up makeup (but they do look gorgeous). It is worn every day, not just for meetings, or work parties (me...). There definitely seems to be a public 'hair done, face on' emphasis. It all seems very sleek and sophisticated.
On one hand, I love the idea of spending a bit more time on me, and hopefully feeling more like a human every day, instead of whats left over after the kids have had a go. On the other, I cannot comprehend taking more than about 10 mins in the bathroom every morning. And, of course, there is the issue of not owning a hair dryer.
ps - the picture is from one of those 'hairstyles for long hair' websites. I suspect this is a possible bridal do (I was sooo ahead of my time!), but it is also very close to how some people manage to do their hair - every single day...(or every single Sunday, I guess)

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