Thursday 24 December 2015

Decorating Gingerbread

Well, I've done it twice now, so I wonder if it is a bit of a tradition. Today we had some friends over (my kids plus 5 others, plus their parent) and decorated gingerbread. It was less chaotic than last year, possibly because the kids were older?
I made the gingerbread ahead (Tuesday the thick of my cold-before-Christmas...), bought the icing, and provided enough sprinkles to liberally cover several biscuits in the charming way that kids can. Even googly eyes...
My friend provided craft, which was new this year, which is, clear plastic baubles to hang on the Christmas tree, with paint swirled inside, one for each child. It is surprisingly good at the finish...
I have no examples of what my kids did, because they ate them, but what the baby did, was very carefully cover a gingerbread man in about 1 cm of chocolate icing, then very carefully sprinkle about 2 teaspoons of pink sugar on to it, then carefully placed about 5 mini M&Ms, and 5 confectioners sugar (shiney) balls. Then he ate it, very happily. (and skipped lunch, and ate a very small dinner, and went to bed at 6pm).

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