Tuesday 17 November 2015

Leaf Day

Today was leaf day in our community - that is, the maintenance company got the troops together and collected all the leaves that are lying around.
Requirements - 10-15 men, 8 leaf blowers, 1 ride on mower, 2 sort of wind machines, 1 large covered truck with huge vacuum cleaner on the back.
At back of playground at around 10am

It is like a muster - the men with the blowers 'muster' the leaves to collection point, usually gutter or middle of road where truck can drive and vacuum can be applied. Man on ride on mower was using mower like a small digger, scooping piles of leaves on the front of the mower, and then driving to the collection point and dumping them. Two men with blower things - were doing something as well, but I'm not sure what.
And they went like that, all day, from one side of the community to the other...These guys, they really work. When you see them, they always have something to do, there is very little standing around and yakking, except at lunch time (I presume). They start at about 8am, and disappear at about 3-4pm.
Out the front of our place at 2pm.

Covered truck with vacuum on the back. One to operate the vacuum, two with blowers to collect the leaves that are left behind, one with rake to direct stray leaves under vacuum. About 8-10 guys were in front of the truck. It took them about 5 mins to come and go out the front of our place.
Our front yard on Friday. It will be 98% leaf free now.

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