Monday 23 November 2015

Swap boat ride (no Alligators)

Timeshare shacks - people come to fish, boat, or just have some time out
Cypress tress in swamp. All trees were about the same age - from 1910 on, when the clear cut logging stopped (presumably that was when they ran out of the original old timber)

Early start this morning, to go on a boat ride in a swamp, hopefully to see some alligators. Unfortunately, it was cold, so no alligators had yet risen to sunbake. We saw one grey heron, and a whole lot of swamp, mostly beautiful, and endured the strange commentary of the boat driver, who was playing some sort of Southern/simple/backwoods person, and who had an obsession with children getting eaten by things in the swamp. I think he thought it was funny, I'm not sure Mr 6 always understood he was joking.
Highlight of the tour - when we went at 30 mph down the river to see a different bit of the swamp - the kids loved it. On the way back, he did some swerves from side to side too, maybe to make up for the lack of alligators.
Another lesson - those touristy necklaces that have alligator teeth plus some beads, and cost $5? Kids love them...

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