Monday 25 January 2016

Day two of skiing

His cool-dude stance

Yes, he insisted on wearing his beanie over his helmet

Today was more efficient, and just generally better - we knew where to drop the kids off, we got a good carpark right close to where we hired the equipment, so we didn't require a locker, and we only queued once...
We went down the green slopes a couple more times, then lined up for our slightly past beginner lesson, which involved going down a very steep green slope called "Wisp" learning a different way to turn corners apart from the good old snowplough style. Felt pretty good about it all. Stopped for quick lunch, not involving depending on the cafe, then went out again to try our new skills and...  I just lost it. I was just tired, my knees were starting to hurt, and I was starting to panic instead of actually thinking when going fast. Very disappointing... but I was done, at 2.30pm in the afternoon...
Hubby went and did a couple of runs solo, while I collapsed near the childcare yard and watched Mr nearly four ignore his instructor multiple times while skiing down the slope. In her words, 'hes very independent and wants to try everything on his own'. Mr 6 was taken out onto the bigger more public slope, and looked very business like indeed, and just so happy. He was even acting like a cool dude and high-fiving everyone.

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