Saturday 2 January 2016

Rock Creek Park, Washington DC

Went on the shortest walk in history (probably about half an hours worth, stretched to an hour with stops) with a child that hadn't slept well the night before, and hence hadn't brought his A game (or B or C for that matter). Saw that it was beautiful, and that we would love to come back with happy children (or without kids). Love the idea of living close to it and going jogging regularly (but we struggle to get the time/energy for regular jogs as it is, so it stays as a happy thought).
Lesson learned - even when it is a clear day, and looks warm, and is going to get to a whole 45F, wear jackets, don't leave in the car. Unfortunately, in addition to the kid not in walking mood, we were just on the edge of cold for the whole walk, which probably didn't help things.
Tried to salvage the day by doing Junior Ranger, and then went to Ikea on the way home, after which the child lost himself in biggest tantrum of the year, easily.
Moral dilemma: child was so tired and hungry and thirsty, after stubbornly refusing all food, all day, that he couldn't think clearly to moderate emotions. We think that if we'd bought an icecream at Ikea (and the tantrum was over not buying food), he probably would have settled enough to eat his sandwich and have a drink, and the ride home wouldn't have been so awful. But we are trying not to teach our kids that they can whinge their way to ice creams, esp after refusing all other food. So, would you have bought the ice cream, risking enforcing bad habits, or did what we ended up doing, which was forcing child into seat and listening to him scream all the way home?
We fed him milky hot choc at home, and he was all sweetness and light afterwards, eating seconds of dinner without complaint...(although he got packed off to bed early).

1 comment:

  1. We would have done exactly the same with all of ours! No rewards for bad behaviour in this house (or at Ikea) here either! Liv


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