Sunday 24 January 2016


Not many photos were taken on this day, we were too busy being confused and disorganised

If you want to be snowed in somewhere, make sure you're snowed in where there is a financial imperative to get the roads open - ie, next door to a ski resort. I thought we were going to a place called Deep Creek Lake, turns out that is a nearby lake, possibly man made, but the ski resort we went to was called Wisp.
We had the kids booked into "Wisp Kids" which is a learn to ski school, but also, because these are kids, a feed them lots of hot chocolate and keep them occupied from 8.30-3pm school.
Hubby and I were buying the combination equipment hire, lesson and lift pass. Because we didn't know where anything was, we did a lot of trudging around, and a lot of queuing. Very frustrating and tiring. We didn't get out into a lesson until 11am...
Going to the snow is like going to the beach, there are methods and efficiencies, and knowing how many bags to have for what sort of equipment, and how many museli bars to try and stuff into your pockets, and whether to take a packed lunch (do - Wisp may have a lovely mountain, but they don't know how to run a cafe). So this first day was tiring before we even got out on the slopes. We had a lesson, then after lunch, got a few runs (very carefully, and slowly) down a green slope called "Possum" one down "Backbone", and then it was time to pick up the kids and go home.
The day was nearly too much for Mr nearly 4, he really struggled to maintain composure. Mr 6.5 however, wanted everyone to drop everything and take him skiing in the afternoon at home.

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