Tuesday 26 July 2016

Egyptian Art

Soo... pre-lunch, when I am having my hangry session in the kitchen, trying to put together sandwiches for everyone without losing my cool, Mr 6 decides he needs to do Art.
I made many many speeches about what I was doing, and why I was doing it, and why it was unreasonable to expect me to drop everything and help with something that he had started on his own, and now expected me to drop everything and help with, and how I was hungry, and needed to eat [very badly], and we could look at it after lunch. And eventually got through, probably because I said I'd look after lunch.
And after lunch we had a very constructive half and hour, and succeeded in making a poster of an Egyptian person as per the picture in the book, for dad to be surprised by when he came home. I am particularly proud of the head, that I drew freestyle. (while looking at the picture in the book).

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