Friday 29 July 2016

Re-learning the buses

We had quite an intimate relationship with the buses, when we first arrived here, before school and work started. They have cut 'our' bus route to one every 2 hours, which makes them considerably less useful, but today we took a bus into town, because I realised, I need to relearn the buses...
Very different without a pram! We made our first foray into the boys sharing a light backpack between them and taking it in turns to carry.
There are a few tweaks required (ie, don't sit at bus stop for 30 mins, pack more food, think up somewhere to hang while we wait for the next bus, take bread for ducks at dock, take passports to enter statehouse), but it is a start. It was lovely to be in town again, but a little frustrating, as the boys don't do browsing in shops so well just yet. So close but so far!!
Watch this space for the attempt at the library next week.

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