Saturday 16 July 2016

Theodore Roosevelt Island

Today we visited Theodore Roosevelt Island, located at the opposite end of the Mall to the Capitol Building. It is a small island that was used for various purposes - but eventually was relandscaped in the 1930's into a memorial to Theodore Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president, and presumably related to Franklin D Roosevelt, who has a memorial on the Tidal Basin).
It has a memorial in the middle (statue, pools, fountains etc, very beautiful) and paths around the outside to walk around and appreciate the forest that was grown (to resemble the one here before it all got chopped down), and now, because this is now, jog around, which is what Washingtonians seem to use it for. Thankfully they have barred the bikes (which are very dominant on the nearby Mount Vernon Trail).
I found the formal bit of the island very beautiful. The walk around the perimeter of the island was a good length for our kids, and it was good to be outside.

We also visited the Iwo Jima memorial (memorial to the Marine Corps) and the Netherlands Carillion nearby. Then we made the mistake of trying to quickly drop into Arlington to get the NPS stamps for those places, and go to the bathroom before going home. Lesson learned, visit Arlington in Winter, when it will hopefully be quieter. We did get the bathroom and the stamps though.

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