Saturday 13 December 2014

Channelling my Inner Woodcutter

I am very happy that here, now, a most loved member of my cupboard is coming into its own - the flannelette shirt I got as a reward after passing Grade 4 Piano exam (yeah, I kept it that long!). I wore it constantly for probably about 2 years, and then moved on, but always kept it, and deliberately brought it here, because I knew it would be cold, and you never know...
It has become the ultimate in warm comfy wear, when teamed with my green jumper that is from our trip to Tasmania in year 7 (yeah, I kept that one too!).
Proof that you should never chuck anything out just because you don't wear it for a year :)
Mostly it seems that the men and boys wear flannelette shirts here, and I love seeing it. The women's flannelette fashion is a bit of a poor neighbour to the heartiness of the men's styles.
Flannelette shirts make me want to charge around in snow in big warm boots and chop wood and tap maple trees for syrup.
For further images of flannelette shirt wearing, look up

1 comment:

  1. Thats interesting I have noticed i don't need the winter clothes I used at Campbelltown. and have paced them on mostly..


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