Saturday 13 December 2014

Salmon with tomato sauce

I hate it, but tomato sauce has become the compulsory extra for my children. Salad? Tomato sauce. Peas and Corn? tomato sauce. chicken? Tomato sauce, I am waiting for the day they request tomato sauce on cereal.
Tonight I roasted salmon with a marinade of garlic, lemon juice, basil, salt and pepper, in a foil packet, for 45 mins, and after declaring that he didn't like it on sight, Mr 2.5 demanded tomato sauce. Mr 5 has at least learnt not to declare that he doesn't like things on sight, but still covered his salmon with an icing of tomato sauce. They both then ate their salmon, but it was sort of depressing.

1 comment:

  1. I remember potatoes with tomato sauce when I was growing up because I didn't like them.Will be interesting to see their tastes mature...maybe to sweet chilli like the older mail in my house hold.


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