Tuesday 16 December 2014

While your kids are breathing...

I have a sense of sadness as a result of the Lindt Cafe hostage situation in Sydney, and a sense of horror, that something like that would happen in a place that I was familiar with, rather than somewhere overseas that I only read about, not have jogged past.
I think my take home message is, if your kids are breathing, have an ice-cream with them. Not necessarily literally, just take the opportunity to spend time with them. Stop and help them with that jigsaw puzzle. Hold them upside down. Tickle them. Read books with them. Have indoor picnics when it is raining. Skip on the way home. Go for a bike ride. Explore not only the opportunity to bring up God's precious children, but to enjoy their sweet, loving, playful natures too.
This even applies to Mr Indescribable, the stubborn 2.5 year old, who is currently lining up the dinosaurs and doing jigsaw puzzles.

1 comment:

  1. Here here I agree dear niece,life is fragile ,after the ABC news on Tues night the news reader finished with hug your family.


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