Sunday 28 December 2014

Corning Museum of Glass

Yes, the Corning in Corningware happens to be in New York state, just an hour from where our cabin is! The discovery of the stronger qualities of tempered glass were discovered by accident by someone who left a plate in a furnace over night. They expected to find a blob of melted glass, but actually found something that bounced on the floor when they accidentally dropped it getting it out of the furnace.
The museum was good with an exhibition space, a history of glass exhibit, and finally, an innovation zone, with lots of more interactive exhibits. Sadly, our children's attention span didn't run to looking at the complete exhibition, and we had to cut it short before the stained glass section, which looked pretty good. However in the innovation zone, we watched someone make a glass goat, using a flame to melt glass sticks, and someone else blowing a bowl (a big one). You could easily spend the day in the museum seeing other demonstrations and looking at the rest of the exhibits.
Corning also has a historic 'gaffers district' shopping street, and some streets not far away that had a really eclectic mix of old houses. It would be a good place to walk around when the baby wasn't exhausted from a 5.30am wake up.
The photo is from the arty bit, it has a huge amount of detail in it of animals and things, all from glass. Like a 3D picture of some sort.

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