Sunday 18 May 2014

Driving on the Jersey Turnpike

This is a left over post from New York that I remembered I wanted to write about. We drove to New Jersey and caught a ferry across to New York city, leaving the car parked in a parking garage at the ferry terminal. This was cheaper than paying for a train for the family!
Part of our drive was on the Jersey Turnpike, a toll road that is the biggest I have seen so far. Towards the end of the road (close to New Jersey), the road split into two sections each way - one for trucks and one for cars. The trucks were quite heavy, and it was a relief to get away from continually having to move around them. But the space the road took, and the infrastructure required was quite and eyeopener. We're talking four by three lanes - 12 lanes all up. Two exits and entrances - one being a sort of bridge, over the truck section onto the car section in the middle. Plus break down room and extra signage, and extra toll booths, and extra cameras.
The total toll for our drive on the Turnpike was 12.55 each way. We also paid about 12 on other roads, and drove a total of about 210 miles (about 300 km) one way. (ie, total miles - about 420, total tolls - about $50)

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