Sunday 18 May 2014

Spring has come

We went back to Quiet Waters Park again this afternoon for a walk, and how it has changed! There is a beautiful green leafy canopy of living trees, dappling the sunlight and muting sound. Just warm enough not to wear jumpers, not humid, and cool enough that we weren't sweating everywhere, which is a lovely change from last week.
The world is green, and ferociously growing. We have made an arrangement with a neighbour's daughter to mow our little lawn once a week - and it needs it! In an earlier post in February, I listed green grass as something I missed. Well, here it is, complete with sunshine and shade, but Maryland is an endemic state (7th on the list, actually) for Lyme's Disease, spread by ticks, so having worked that out, I no longer really want to lie in the grass, nor encourage my babies to do the same. We will be doing nightly 'freckle' checks with our kids. I hate ticks.

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