Monday 12 May 2014

No Other God - Exodus 20:1-3

1. This first commandment gives us the ultimate true truth - God himself. v2 - LORD - Yahweh - I Am, the personal name of God, God - His creation plural name used in Genesis, and Redeemer God - reference to Egypt.
We shall have no gods before God - worship Him with your whole being, because of who he is. Not as a way to salvation, but as a result, growing out of salvation. Westminster Larger Catechism 104 provides good start.
2. What do you not have now that you believe you have to have to be happy/fulfilled etc?
If you have that, what do you have in your life that you don't want to lose/would be lost without?
Don't let our relationship with the horizontal obscure that vertical relationship with God. Even the good horizontal things like church or family.
3. This commandment points out our sin. Why give us a command no-one can keep?
Romans 3:19 - No-one can claim they are doing it (19a)
Every man is held accountable (19b)
That we all might know our sin (20)

Once we learn this lesson of the law, we can flee to the gospel as our only hope.

Now, just out of interests sake, any thoughts on how you would apply that to parenting? ie - rather than teaching your kids to be 'good', showing them how only grace (from God) will give them a new spirit to obey the law? Reference book - "Give them Grace" by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson (I haven't finished it yet!).
I should clarify that the notes from Exodus were from a sermon a couple of weeks ago, not the book.

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