Saturday 24 May 2014

National Arboretum, Washington DC

A bonsai azalea

Today was an excursion to the National Arboretum in DC, primarily so my dad could see the national bonsai collection there. The National Arboretum is (as they tell you) a living museum, operated by the US Department of Agriculture for research and education. They have 400 acres on which to play, and have various collections all over the site. The $4 for a 50 min tram ride around the grounds with taped narration is a very good introduction. We saw lots of dog walkers and lots of cyclists (old and young), but ball games are not allowed. We had to move at the kids' paces through the bonsai collection, watching with wary eyes lest they rip a branch off some 50 year old bonsai. But I did get the impression that although my dad's bonsais are good, these are amazing. We also visited the collection of useful plants, including a huge row of strawberries that no-one was picking (we discreetly helped ourselves), and on a nearby hill there is a collection of columns from the Capitol building (no-longer needed after a renovation) arranged artistically. Lots of running room, free entry, 40 mins easy drive from home. We will be visiting this place again.

1 comment:

  1. How amazing ! Your dad sure has been able to get a good look at Bonsai on his o/s journeys. And strawberry picking into the bargain.Now what about those quilts?happy days to you all


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