Thursday 29 May 2014

A cruise on the Severn River

Wednesday we went for a 40 min cruise on the Severn River, which is what Annapolis port is on. The Severn River leads into the Chesapeake bay. It was very enjoyable, except that we were sharing the boat with school children, who were reasonably well behaved, but in large numbers, so rather loud and overwhelming. They had a basic narration pointing out what we were passing, and it was a good introduction to the water ways around Annapolis. I have to say, nothing special though. Perhaps that was just because of the noise!
The photo is of the houses on the opposite side of the river from the City Port.

1 comment:

  1. If you get up the energy to read a long ish book there's a great one called Chesapeake by James Michener good historical fiction


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