Thursday 29 May 2014

William Paca house garden

The bottom of William Paca's garden (it is terraced)

On Tuesday we tried to visit William Paca house. The problem was, a school had booked out the 10.30am tour of the house, with the next tour at 11.30, which was too late for the nap schedule in our household. So, once again, we got to see the garden only!
According to Wikipedia, the house is in Georgian style from the 18th Century. William Paca himself was a Govener of Maryland, as well as being a signatory on the Declaration of Independence. There are three other signatories of the Declaration of Independence in Annapolis. (But that is for another post, another time!) The garden is about 2 acres, which is quite a lot of land to have spare in downtown Annapolis these days.
The garden really is quite nice, and our party had some keen gardeners in it, so I know a lot more about the plants now. The roses were in bloom, the grass and the trees were all green and lovely, so quite a change from our last visit in March for the Maryland Day celebrations (which I didn't describe much in detail anyway). The kiddies got a run around (in 30C, 90% RH heat), but I am sort of hoping that maybe the next time we visit the house we will get to see the inside!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing I can imagine the formal gardens. I would also imagine that you would see some patchwork quilts inside the house.I hope you do get back to see inside.


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