Saturday 17 May 2014

Happy Drawers!


Went on what is hopefully our final shop at Bed Bath and Beyond, and got drawer organisers (among other things). It is the small things in life, like the smells of a freshly mowed lawn and fresh baked bread, a hot shower with adequate water pressure, and drawer organisers, that make life worth living, don't you think?!
We have many more little organisations in progress, mainly because we need to finish the house so we don't spend the next two years worth of Saturdays in Bed Bath and Beyond (Maybe this would be a level in Dante?!), and because my parents are visiting in 4 days.
Also, because if we don't stop shopping, I suspect we will start to cross that grey area from being comfortable with the basics to buying avocado cutters and cheese boards.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should get the first plane over here and organise my draws. I do miss my organiser of the plastic container draw.


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