Thursday 22 May 2014

Inside our Church

Here are two photos of the inside of our church. They call it the Sanctuary. This is taken from about 1/3 of the way back from the front, on one side. We got there early enough last week that I felt comfortable taking some discrete photos. Apparently about 400 people attend the 9.15 service. Generally it looks full. I like the pews, which allow for what I would call analogue seating, rather than separate seats, which are more digital (ie, not as flexible!). The back wall is of glass, and they project sound into the back bit where you enter (foyer?) so if you need to, you can step out, but not miss any of the service.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have found a church to be a part of Could be a little daunting with 400 people hope there are small groups you can be involved in.


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