Wednesday 11 June 2014

Peanut Butter

Those of you who know me, would probably also know my relationship with peanut butter. Specifically, Sanitarium brand no added salt, no added sugar variety. We travelled with one jar that was left in our Australian pantry, and then thankfully we discovered the 'natural' section of the peanut butter shelf. The non natural peanut butters have both sugar and salt added, and taste sort of wrong. The smooth peanut butter is close to being a sauce in consistency, but the crunchy is sort of ok.
The downside - there doesn't appear to be no added salt in existence
Also, the jar needs to be tipped into a bowl and stirred before using (see picture)
The upside - I have peanut butter (and I must admit to feeling restless and anxious if we run out of peanut butter).
Happily, I appear to have a partner in crime, as my youngest boy prefers peanut butter and honey on bread to Vegemite (this may just be for the honey, but I like to believe it is the peanut butter).

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