Friday 20 June 2014

Black Eyed Susan

The Black Eyed Susan is the Maryland state flower. It is basically a daisy, but with quite a distinct black centre. We came across some on our way to the library, which we went to on Monday, because I knew the weather was turning hugely hot later on in the week. Still quite hot and sweaty, but bearable in the shade, with a little breeze to cool the sweat! It was the most successful visit to the library yet, with no missed buses, and everyone surviving the walk, and home by 12. More importantly, my eldest child held on for the toilet for about 15 mins while we waited for and caught the bus home, his longest effort yet.
Secondly, I found the DVD collection and borrowed some movies to watch on the ridiculously hot days later on in the week (and I still am giving myself high fives about that thought!).

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