Wednesday 25 June 2014

Missing... one bear

In the hustle and bustle of Vacation Bible School, we lost a bear. Not just any bear, but, as it turned out, the more favourite of the two exact same models that he sleeps with. He resisted napping, and eventually slept in the pram as we walked back to church to search for the bear, which turned up nothing.
That night, it took 90 mins for him to settle, eventually going to sleep with a train clutched in each hand.
This morning he was irritable, clutching one bear but wingeing for the other. I was outwardly calm, but a bit worried. Hubby helped me search again, then took photos so he could make a lost notice to put up. I even went to the nursery section to ask if they'd seen it, which they hadn't.
I was handing him into his creche class before starting the day, and explaining that he hadn't slept well, and that he was irritable, when another teen helper arrived with the bear, which had been left at recreation (sports) the previous day...
And I don't think anyone except maybe parents will understand, when I admit that I cried with relief.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! What a relief! I'm so glad my kids have never clung to one particular ted (despite me actually trying to implement... No idea why) but my sisters daughters do and I have had to search high and low for teds whilst baby sitting


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