Friday 20 June 2014

Subscribing by email

A reader commented that they couldn't subscribe by email. I was flattered, and confused, because I thought it was all automatic, and surely that would be somewhere. However, I'm learning! I have added what I hope is a subscribe by email button. I have subscribed myself, just to check. I don't have the results of that check.
Please feel free to subscribe and get back to me if it works!
A note: Please also feel free not to subscribe. I'm meant to be doing one short post a day; recently, this is not what has been happening. I think up various posts, and then I have a bigger session about 2-3 times per week when I do 'blog' stuff. So I can't guarantee some sort of neat 'thought for the day' email. I don't want people to get overwhelmed by having to read the blog! We live in the real world, often with children, which is (as far as I'm concerned) the real world +1!
If I feel like the subscribe by email thingy doesn't work, I'll take it down. (Hopefully, someone will let me know  if it doesn't work!) Until then, happy reading!

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