Monday 23 June 2014


Berries have occupied a lot of posts, I think I can happily admit to hugely enjoying the prolific supply of berries of all sorts at the moment. I just wanted to record that our grocery shop this week included:
Yellow peaches (from somewhere in the USA)
Apples (from somewhere in the USA, but stored by now)
Grapes (from Mexico, probably not hugely fresh, but still nice and sweet)
500g of strawberries (from California)
500g of blueberries (from North Carolina)

And the piece de resistance -
4 lbs of cherries (we think from Washington state, but we could be wrong)
The cherries were $4/lb, which is about $8/kg
It is cherry season from about June to September here, so early days yet!
The baby is very impressed - he calls blueberries, grapes and cherries all 'grapes', and simply guzzles if left to his own devices.

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