Tuesday 3 June 2014

Skyline Caverns

We set out for a weekend driving down the Skyline Drive which goes through Shenandoah National Park on a cloudy morning. By the time we got up to the mountains, we realised the cloud wasn't going to lift until the afternoon, so we opted for a detour to look through the nearest caves (caverns in the US) - Skyline Caverns.
The tour was about an hour, I think a touch too long, but I enjoyed the guides knowledgeable tour, his accent (southern!!), and his sense of humour. The baby slept in the car, with Grandpa reading his paper, but my eldest came on the tour and regaled the entire group with loud musings on what a real cave should look like (dark with a round entrance), and what should live in real caves (big animals with claws).

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